
Aware of the importance of maintaining sustainable tourism development, and assuming the principles specifically adopted in the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, Dude Surf School is committed to carrying out a sustainable management of its activities, through the adoption of commitments oriented to prevent, eliminate or reduce the impact of our facilities and activities, both internal and external, as well as optimizing the sustainability of your operation, improving your behaviour towards the environment.

Dude Surf School has adopted a sustainability policy, through which it undertakes to comply with the requirements established in the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle benchmark, which include, but are not limited to, the legal requirements that regulate the effects generated by the tourist activity.


One of our main goals is to improve sustainable management, assuming the commitments of continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental, as well as customer satisfaction. For this, the current and future projects managed by Dude Surf Company, Lda, owner of Dude Surf School will be subject to the criteria of sustainability and efficiency in the use of resources.